At first I wanted to play on 'rubbish' as an adjective and go covered in used envelopes with a postbox hat -this was when Royal Mail was striking etc.. On the other hand I thought a 1920s shift dress made out of tampons was another goodie but thought that might be a bit crude.. even for me!
So in the end I was inspired by a a shop windon on Regent Street which featured tea bags... so yeah... TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
I wanted to dye the tea bags to give them some coolness. First time round I made the mistake of soaking them in differant coloured water and they seriously NEVER dried!
They turned browny too so I will use those brown ugly ones on the back...
It turned out the trick was to just dab them with a paintbrush and coloured water.. they dried pronto. Woooo
Deciding what to do with a bunch of coloured tea bags proved easy enough.. shoulder pads... fashionista styles and easy... staple gun ... wam bam im leaking tea mam.
I think a headpiece is often key.... when shopping on regent street I happened to find a plastic lolly bucket thing on the floor ... (so literally rubbish!) and knew it would come in handy for this party.... I decided to bring back the childhood skills and stuck into some papermaching to turn it into a tea pot!
I am still unsure what to do with this tea pot.. Paint flowers.?.. Make it an interactive rubbish piece? Or simply add more tea bags?.. to be decided tomorrow!
Anyone for teaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?